teacher with student

The 2024 Parent Confidence Index

Research shows parents will leave jobs for employers who offer child care benefits. 

Child care is essential for working families. And despite employer efforts, there’s still a disconnect between what parents expect and what they’re getting.    
To bridge this gap, we partner with The Harris Poll each year to tap into how parents in the United States feel.   



6 out of 10 working parents believe their employer should offset the cost of child care.



parent with child icon

More than half say that child care is a top three reason to stay at their current job—just behind health care and PTO. For Gen Z parents, it’s the #1  factor in job loyalty. 

Download our report to learn what your employees need to thrive.

graph iconFill out the form to download the report  and discover how you can attract top talent, drive productivity, and maximize retention at your organization. You’ll learn: 
  • What parents in your workforce really want and how you can meet their needs.
  • The solutions your organization can offer to help integrate work and family.
  • The competitive advantage child care benefits bring to your business.

    ... and much more.