9 Children’s Books Starring: BUNNIES!

By Rachel Ward
Temperatures are rising, flowers are blooming—it’s officially spring! In honor of the season, we’ve put together a book list featuring one of springtime’s main stars: bunnies! Curl up with your little one outside in the sunshine and explore these hoppin’ good reads.

1. Pat the Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt
Age group: Infants (0–1 year)
Pat the Bunny is one of the first touch-and-feel board books ever created for infants, and April is the perfect time to explore this classic baby book featuring a bunny friend!

2. Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes
Age group: Toddlers/Preschool (2–4 years)
With its color palette of pastel pinks, blues, and greens, this book evokes the essence of spring! The sweet story follows a little white rabbit who finds plenty of fascinating fodder for his imagination as he goes about his day—before he goes hopping back home to his bunny family’s den.

3. The Black Rabbit by Philippa Leathers
Age group: Toddlers (2–3 years)
Teach your toddler about the science of shadows with this “hare-raising” tale of a rabbit who thinks he’s being chased by a large black rabbit—only to discover he’s running from his own shadow!

4. Voyage to the Bunny Planet by Rosemary Wells
Age group: Toddler/Preschool (2–4 years)
This trilogy of poems features bunnies who have all had a perfectly rotten day and escape to the Bunny Planet, where they imagine the day that should have been. (It’s the perfect tale for a kiddo who’s had a bad day herself.)

5. The Very Big Carrot by Satoe Tone
Age group: Toddler/Preschool (2–4 years)
Six rabbits find a ginormous carrot and embark on an imaginative journey to discover what they can do with it. The question-and-answer format of the story draws kids in—and encourages them to think about different uses for everyday objects!

6. Brave Squish Rabbit by Katherine Battersby
Age group: Preschool (3–5 years)
A little rabbit faces down his fears in order to rescue his missing friend—and comes out stronger because of his bravery. The illustrations feature surprising materials (gold foil lightning bolts, for instance) that give kids a chance to explore textures.

7. The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown
Age group: Preschool (3–5 years)
This classic tale shows the power and depth of a mother’s love—and assures little ones that no matter how far they go, their mother will always find them.

8. Rabbits and Raindrops by Jim Arnosky
Age group: Preschool (3–5 years)
Beautifully illustrated, Rabbits and Raindrops is a perfect nature tale for springtime. The story follows five baby bunnies as they venture out into the world for the first time with their mother—only to return to their shelter when a sudden downpour arrives.

9. The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes by Du Bose Heyward
Age group: Preschool (3–5 years)
Written in 1939, this Easter story was ahead of its time. This story encourages little ones to follow their dreams through the journey of a country bunny who wants to become the Easter rabbit, even though she’s initially told that she isn’t right for the job (as she has 21 little bunnies to take care of)! In the end, the long-eared, hardworking heroine prevails!